Apr 30, 2021
The Society for Humane Science presents information on animal testing: how it hinders scientific advancements we desperately need, and what alternatives exist. Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy also shares an exciting update about Canada’s animal testing laws.
The Society for Humane Science is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to promote better science without animals. Their mission is to build an ethical culture of science that respects animal life by promoting the reduction and replacement of animals in teaching, research, and testing.
The original post can be found here: https://www.forhumanescience.org/why_we_do_it/animals-in-testing/
Here's a link to Dr Elisabeth Ormandy’s TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfBc2PvVXnU
Here’s a link to the short film, Test Subjects: https://testsubjectsfilm.com
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