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Apr 30, 2021

The Society for Humane Science presents information on animal testing: how it hinders scientific advancements we desperately need, and what alternatives exist. Dr. Elisabeth Ormandy also shares an exciting update about Canada’s animal testing laws.

The Society for Humane Science is a Canadian non-profit organization...

Apr 29, 2021

Dr. T. Colin Campbell explains how nutrition can offer an important path to fight viral diseases like COVID-19. 

This is the second part of a 2-part commentary Dr Campbell wrote in the spring of 2020 for I summarize Part 1 in the introduction of the episode. In January 2021, Dr Campbell...

Apr 28, 2021

Gemma Davis of outlines simple ways to lessen our impact on the planet.

Gemma a Naturopath, yoga teacher and co-author of The Compassionate Kitchen cookbook, and an Ambassador for the animal protection group, Voiceless. She's incredibly passionate about helping others live healthy, conscious...

Apr 27, 2021

Dr Michael Greger of explains about the most likely reason most of our loved ones will die, and what can be done to prevent it.

Dr. Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member...

Apr 26, 2021

Brian Wendel of Forks Over Knives explains the difference between a Plant Based Diet, a Vegan Diet, and a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.

Brian Wendel is founder and president of Forks Over Knives and creator and executive producer of the Forks Over Knives feature film. In 2011, the now world-famous documentary Forks Over...