Feb 22, 2023
How animal advocates can avoid burnout. By Karen Davis of United Poultry Concerns at UPC-Online.org.
Original post: https://www.upc-online.org/pp/fall2016/avoiding_burnout.html
United Poultry Concerns, founded by Karen Davis, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl including a sanctuary for chickens in Virginia. Karen is the author of numerous books, essays, articles and campaigns advocating for these birds. Her latest book is For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation: Essays on Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Domesticated Fowl.
Also please check out their podcast called "Thinking Like a Chicken", hosted by Karen Davis. She shares information about chickens in 10-minute episodes every 2 weeks. I highly recommend it, and you can find it at UPC-online.org.
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